In 2012, when my children where just babies, I became painfully aware of how much I did NOT enjoy being a mum.
Both my babies were challenging in their own ways. And while it was hard, I was also incredible grateful that I experienced those challenges, as it highlight to me how much of my own shit played out in my day to day life as a mum.
I went along to a Professional Workshop that educated us on how being biologically female - with our unique, hormonally driven brains and the unique way that we perceive the world through our emotional filters, requires a different approach to Personal Development and Emotional Wellbeing.
And it resonated SO Much. After all, I tried a LOT of mainstream approaches, and although they helped me a bit, they never REALLY got deep into my insecurities and dark emotions. And when I learned that we, as women, are in fact different I started to think that maybe JUST MAYBE approaching growth to support those differences would be the answer I was looking for.