In 2012, when my children where just babies, I became painfully aware of how much I did NOT enjoy being a mum.

Both my babies were challenging in their own ways. And while it was hard, I was also incredible grateful that I experienced those challenges, as it highlight to me how much of my own shit played out in my day to day life as a mum.  

I went along to a Professional Workshop that educated us on how being biologically female - with our unique, hormonally driven brains and the unique way that we perceive the world through our emotional filters, requires a different approach to Personal Development and Emotional Wellbeing.

And it resonated SO Much. After all, I tried a LOT of mainstream approaches, and although they helped me a bit, they never REALLY got deep into my insecurities and dark emotions. And when I learned that we, as women, are in fact different I started to think that maybe JUST MAYBE approaching growth to support those differences would be the answer I was looking for.

Fuck. To be brutally honest with you, I was so damn desperate to change the destructive patterns I was in, I would try just about anything. So I jumped in headfirst ....

These  years drove me to initially work with mums of young children who felt out of control with their emotional reactions, or lost in the noise of their own inner head talk - and resulted in me writing what became an International Best Selling Book called Own Your BS - The No-Nonsense Guide to Addressing your Female Head Talk. For many years after, I continued to work with women and spread the work of Female Specific Personal Development, when I worked as a Trainer for the Un-Institute of Women. But just recently, life has redirected my focus and my passion back to following my heart - and that is to work with mums.... but this time, at a time that reflects where I'm now at....

Learn more about Own Your BS

Now, with two teenagers, 17 and 15, both of whom have neurodivergent diagnosis, it's safe to say I've experienced enough 'dark days' to sink a ship.

And I've run the gammet of emotions that go along with it - what was relative to the struggles I had when they were younger has 'levelled up' to struggles fit for teenagers - reactional angry outbursts followed by bouts of guilt, shame and embarrassment cause by mine and my children's behaviour, resentment for the continual challenges, and the sense of helplessness that we were stuck in the cycle with no end in sight... I still have my moments, don't you worry about that - but these moments are relative to the situation and THAT is what I think we all strive for.


It's my personal challenges that have always driven me professionally - and this time in my life is no different.

While I don't promise to be perfect, nor know it all when it comes to being a good mum, I do know what it takes to keep your own emotional wellbeing as a priority, so that you can get up swiftly when you're knocked on your ass AND you can help your children as best as possible in the process.

In 2011 I was in my late 20's when I first achieved what would be considered influential and inspiring success. I was being recognised for international record growth and sales within the company I worked for, and as I was being presented with my awards, I remember looking around me and thinking

"how the hell did I get here? I don't belong here....?

surely all these people can see I've got no idea what I'm doing, and that soon enough it'll all come crashing down?"

I looked the part, I was frequently told how amazing I was, how inspiring I was, and yet my internal bully was on loud speaker YELLING at me because only I knew the dirty little secret I'd been hiding behind my big BS smile....

What was driving my Imposter Syndrome was the double-life I was living.

In the professional setting, I was in my element. Although not always confident in my ability, I was in the least, aware that I was good at what I did. I was good with people, and I was a natural motivator and coach.


However, my private life was a total shit show. At the time, I had 2 very young children, and I was severely struggling. My marriage was on the rocks and my expectations of motherhood were not what I imagined. The juggle between my professional ambitious and the reality of raising two challenging children were at loggerheads with one another, and I was slowly losing myself.

So when I was being recognised as an Influential, Positive example for other women, I couldn't help but feel like a

total fake

because I KNEW that I would never wish another woman or mum to experience the tug-of-war that I felt every single day.

This recognition of my professional success TORE at me even more, and really fuelled the inner conflict I was experiencing. Because in THAT WORLD, I was praised for my work and efforts.

But at home, I was out-of-control, I had no idea what I was doing and I was ALONE (after all, WHO could I go to that would really understand my struggle?

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In 2012, I was at the top of my 'professional' game - I had a fancy title, I dressed in fancy clothes, drove a Free Company Car and travelled Internationally and Nationally for many company functions - I was recognised as a successful woman of influence to the hundreds of women that I trained and mentored.

I guess you could say, from the outside, it appeared that I had 'it all'.

But there was a conflict inside of me that said otherwise.

And much of it was bred from the pressure I was feeling of not being able to deliver long term results to the women that I worked - I didn't just want to momentarily support and encourage the women I worked with, I WANTED TO genuinely HELP THEM TO CHANGE THEIR LIVES.

Let's rewind a few years to the events that led me to where I am now....

I wanted this for THEM, because ultimately I wanted it for ME! I had spent so much of my professional career working on myself in various ways, that it felt as though I should ALREADY BE as confident as I appeared. But it was all bullshit.

My smile and confident persona hid so many insecurities - because at my core, I believed that I was a fake and a fraud - I was constantly comparing myself to my peers - in my eyes I was NEVER going to be as good as them - as polished, as influential, successful or worthy. I was pushing up against the thickest glass ceiling - one of my own making and I was desperately searching for a way to smash through that.

I know that through the work I facilitated,  thousands of lives have been empowered - marriages saved, relationships moved on, connections with children deeper, working relationships more beneficial

HOWEVER, the Legacy and Impact that I so deeply desire to leave can be multiplied when I help TRAIN other women to set hearts Free because I know for a fact that there are thousands. of women the world over that share my dream of making a difference to many many people.

What I'm about now....

Maz Schirmer and the Institute of Women International has a global mission of setting 10 Million Hearts Free... a mission that I sincerely believe that, when achieved will set in motion a rise in strong, empowered, internally confident and powerful female leaders that in turn will change the way that things are done on this planet.

Women NEED a different approach to healing, to business and to living. Being a Trainer of  Creatrix® Transformology® means that I'm able to do exactly that - I'm able to help MORE women help More Women - and there's nothing more professionally satisfying then knowing that!

Let's Chat

You have had enough of pretending that everything is ok, you wouldn’t be here otherwise. I know! I’ve been there! The search is over.... it's time.

The question to ask yourself is - Are you really ready? Are you ready to release the excuses, to use all that this baggage is costing you to inspire you to step up. If the answer is a resounding yes, let's chat!

I know I can help you to create the life experience you so desperately desire. Book in a call and together we'll work out what your next step is!

I can't wait to speak to you

I stumbled across Creatrix® Transformology® after I experienced Creatrix® for some personal issues that, at the time, were tearing my family apart (I was an angry, out of control mum). After the dramatic transformation I experienced (you can see it here), I couldn't NOT take my experience and build something that gave other women the same life transformation that I had. I couldn't continue on the path of building a successful, yet unsatisfying business, when I knew there was something SO MUCH MORE REWARDING available to me.

THIS was the reason I closed that business down and pursued a new career as a Creatrix® Transformologist® - because I knew that there was something more important than a superficially successful business, something FAR more important than recognition and accolades - I wanted Deep, Heart Felt Fulfilment that came as a result of making a REAL, Significant change in another woman's life.

So, for 6 years, that's exactly what. I did.

I published an International Best Selling Book and Online Program "Own Your BS" educating women about the Importance of Awareness, their Female Factor and the necessity for Ownership in order to grow.

And, I personally worked with more than 330 women facilitating Creatrix®  - helping every day women to be free from deep depression, severe anxiety, worthiness issues, anger and frustration issues, debilitating guilt and so much more. I was so confident in the outcome Creatrix could provide, that I offered a 100% Outcome Guarantee - and to date every single client I worked with achieved their desired outcome.

When I work with you, we....

1. Develop the Awareness you have around your truth - the way that you currently see the world and where it needs strengthening (or maybe re-writing!)

2. Focus on Action and solution. It's no good analysing the past. The WHY's. The regrets. In fact, as women, the more we focus on your story, the more emotionally bound you'll become to the story (the more you talk about it, the worse you feel, so why talk when we can just RELEASE?!)

3. Align Momentum - we identify who you are, what you want for your future, what lights you up and drives you from within. Then we create a plan that support, honours and encourages an aligned life.

Hi! I’m Bree Stedman. I'm an experienced Creatrix® Transformologist® and Trainer, Female Head Talk Expert, Author, Mentor, Coach, Speaker.

But what does all that mean for YOU???

Put simply, I am the kick up the bum you're looking for - the accountability, the say-what-you-NEED-to-hear, not-what-you-WANT-to-hear, no-holds back, no-nonsense coach that you're looking for - the one who will call you on your BS and support you to elevate your thinking and your life.


Come with me on a trip down memory lane, to 2012, where I was a Professional Imposter.

I was a leader, mentor and trainer of 120+ women in a Multi-National Sales Company and I was well-known as a positive, happy and confident woman. It was rare anyone saw me with anything other than a smile on my face, a positive 'can-do' attitude on display for everyone to see.

It appeared that I had it all - I'd built my business to consistently exceed 6 figures from home while raising my 'pigeon pair' with my incredibly supportive hubby

That was the  first year I was recognised as a Top 15 Leader after I achieved my first Company Car, multiple Diamonds, and an All-Expenses paid International Trip. I was also recognised as a  'Go Give' member of the organisation - the highest peer-nominated accolade awarded - for leading by example, for going above and beyond to help and serve others....

By all standards and considerations, I had every reason to feel proud and sure of myself. And there was NO VALID reason for me to feel anything other than grateful, positive and content.

In 2017 I published my first book as an easily accessible, first step resource for women who are done with feeling held back and stuck by doubts, insecurities and fears.

Now an Amazon International Best Seller, Own your BS: The No-Nonsense Guide to addressing your Female Head Talk gives you the practical advice to help you to GET A GRIP on sabotaging and destructive self talk.

"This book is extremely eye-opening into how the female brain works. I literally used Bree's advice today during a panic attack and it helped straight way. Highly I recommend this book to any female who wants to take back their power and be the best version of themselves" A.C

You have had enough of pretending that everything is ok, you wouldn’t be here otherwise. I know! I’ve been there! The search is over.... it's time.

The question to ask yourself is - Are you really ready? Are you ready to release the excuses, to use all that this baggage is costing you to inspire you to step up. If the answer is a resounding yes, let's chat!

With a range of products and services to suit you and your current journey, I know I can help you to create the life experience you so desperately desire. Book in a call and together we'll work out what your next step is!

I can't wait to speak to you

But what should have been a prime time of my life was destroyed by my poor perception of myself, which I was consistently reminded of from a constant stream of negative Head Talk....

"I don't deserve to be here", "I'm not good enough", "I'M A FAKE AND A FRAUD"

Every day, this head talk would fuel  my lack of worth and sabotage my success, my happiness and my life.

I was the ultimate "Miss Fake It", because outwardly no-one knew of my internal battle - I was saying and DOING all the right things, building a business as if I had my shit together, while internally hiding a secret that left me feeling hypocritical.

At home, behind closed doors, I was nothing like the positive, happy and confident woman people thought I was. I was Angry. Overwhelmed. Ashamed. Out of control. I frequently LASHED OUT at my husband and my kids and then I'd spend hours in tears, drowning in Guilt.

I'm not a good mum", "they deserve better", "I can't do this anymore"

I felt like I had all of these balls up in the air, and I was trying desperately to keep them all moving 'as they should'. There was no time to really enjoy anything.... it was all.... well.... CHAOS.

I knew then that I had to get a grip on my BS - because it was costing me long-term authentic success, connection and intimacy with my husband and loving relationships with my kids....

it was costing me, ME


I specialise in helping ambitious mums in business turn sabotaging, destructive and negative self talk into emotional control, confidence and clarity.

But what I'm really passionate about is teaching you how to get out of your head, how to take back control of your life, and use those skills to then influence and empower those people around you - especially your kids!

Worse yet? No-one I knew ever talked about the conflict they felt between being a Professional Success and Influence while struggling so violently at home! Everywhere I looked, my peers were talking about how much their professional success ENHANCED their private life - and while the financial gains certainly helped us personally, I couldn't say my success helped us emotionally at all.... if anything, I started to feel more resentment towards the family for 'holding me back' from reaching my 'full professional potential'.

It felt like the more I succeed - the wider the gap

between Work/Life Balance became, and

I was in the middle of this black hole all alone.


It was during this time that I first experienced what I now refer to as Leadership Loneliness.....

the perception that there is no one else who truly understands what you're experiencing,

AND that you can't go to anyone with the absolutely truth of a situation BECAUSE you are a leader.... there's an expectation that, as a mum, a sister, a friend, a member of the community as well as professionally (because women are natural born leaders)  that could be SACRIFICED AND LOST if anyone knew the Real YOU.... these are thing things I convinced myself of, that isolated me more and more.

The combination of Imposter Syndrome and Leadership Loneliness created a Vortex of absolute shit - one feeding of the other and driving a whole range of emotions - like guilt, shame, resentment, anger and of course loneliness.

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This pattern of Imposter Syndrome and Leadership Loneliness created a whopping big LIE that I lived for almost 3 years.

Until it all became too much.... my personal life was imploding, and the enjoyment and reprieve I'd once found professionally evaporated.

On reflection, this pattern of Imposter Syndrome and Leadership Loneliness created a whopping big LIE that I lived for almost 3 years.

It was at that time, that I knew I had to start practicing what I so often preached to the ladies I inspired "nothing changes until nothing changes" Except this time - I changed direction. Therapy, Counselling, Coaching and Personal Development as I knew it was not cutting it (in some instances, it was making it worse)

NO, I wanted to BREAK THE CYCLES that I was in. And I didn't want to spend copious hours talking about the sh*t I was feeling. I wanted RESOLUTION. And that's what lead me down a path I'd never considered before.... Female Specific Personal Development

Where am I now?

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the relationship I have with my husband (we're about to celebrate our 21st Wedding Anniversary!) and my two teenager children is real and, for most of the time, grounded.

BUT it's still a work in progress. And its that progress that continues to drive me to prioritise ME.

I've been working consistently with women,  to break free from their own silent and destructive struggles. Because after all these years of working with over 360+  women, I know that my situation was not isolated.

Far too many mums struggle in silence - shrouded in fear of judgement that is driven by their own shameful feelings of resentment, guilt, grief, helplessness and despair.

And that is why, in 2025, I'm putting my focus on helping mums to FEEL more of themselves. To FIND themselves. And to develop solid self-acceptance and knowing that they ARE doing an amazing job in raising their children, despite what the situation says.

If you've got this far, chances are, we should chat! Book a time in with me below to learn more about how I can help you to be Authentically, 100% you in ALL the roles that make up your life.