I don't believe there is ANY testimonial as powerful as the visual transformation that I personally experienced when I had my Creatrix® Breakthrough in 2012.... watch for yourself and see the pain and anguish I struggled with because of my anger, shame, guilt and all the rest of it.

At the time this video was filmed, I was running a successful 6-Figure Business - mentoring and coaching hundreds of women in business to follow in my footsteps. I was 'living the dream' with a great income, variety in my role, opportunities to travel and complete flexibility and freedom. Everyone who knew me saw only what I wanted them to see - a vivacious, friendly, positive and at all times confident and well put together women - completely in control of her destiny. What no-one saw was this level of despair.... because, as a Leader - I believed I had no-one I could turn to without judgement. So I bottled it up.... and my (at the time young!) family copped the brunt of it.

THIS is what I would love for you to experience and, as echoed in the below Client Testimonials, it's absolutely possible when you work with me to become the 100% Authentic, NO BS Leader that you know deep down you are meant to be!

**** this footage has been distressing for many to watch.... but it's also full of hope for what's available for you ****

Thank you Bree Stedman for actualising the legacy of Creatrix® by so far setting more than 360 women free (and thousands more to come I believe) of their deepest sabotaging low self esteem and issues around confidence and feeling not good enough, which we know is the real deep cause of most womens current life struggles.

This is a beautiful and powerful mission we share and I just wanted to publicly thank you.

Not just Creatrix® but through being an example as a mother who doesn’t strive for perfection but continually strives to be the best version of yourself but not just for own kids but for mums across the world.

I’m so proud of you so thank you.As you know you’re part of the vision mission and cause to set 10MILLION HEARTS FREE. Thanks for doing your bit. I’m proud of you and the Bree Factor you’ve tapped into to create such a personal brand with Own Your BS. Thanks for sharing YOU so fully! Maz xxx

Maz Schirmer

Founder of Un-Institute of Women & Creatrix®

I am struggling to put into words what it is like working with Bree - amazing, wonderful, supported, cared for - a friend whom you can dive deeply and share with. Someone who listens, comes up with amazing responses and strategies and who cares very deeply about your success. Someone who will call a spade a spade which is genuinely what you need.

Before my Creatrix® Breakthrough, I felt very stuck and confused, the relationship with myself that was my most concerning issue and I have to say that now I am much calmer, more peaceful and kinder to myself than I have ever been.

I feel so much more empowered and directional.

I am starting a new business and where I was previously overwhelmed by what I needed to do, what I wanted to do and what I kept thinking I had to do to please other people, I am now easily identifying what it is that I need to get done and taking action. I am not getting upset about things outside of my control. I have more clarity.

After experiencing the Emotional Detox™ and working with Bree, I can happily say it was a worthwhile investment.  

I highly recommend working with Bree.

Chrissy, NSW Australia

My original problem impacted my everyday living -my house was a dark place, I would hide from people and take  everything out on my partner.

Now after my 6 weeks I am back to the bubbly care free person I was many years ago.  I feel 100% more connected to my fiance -  we were at a point discussing separation but now we are happy and in  love -  working on our relationship to make it as strong as it can be. My relationship with my kids has also changed, I  make time to interact with them instead of sitting on the lounge hiding from the world.

7 months ago I had twins which results in me having 4 children. Before my Creatrix® Breakthrough, I had no faith in  myself to finish my nursing degree - I now have motivation to finish my degree (I returned to my studies earlier this year)  and I trust that I will give it my all.

The most significant physical change I have experienced is SLEEP! OMG! sleep! I now sleep all night! Its easy for me  to get to sleep and stay asleep - the head chatter has all but stopped.

I now have goals and I now look forward to the future and achieving those goals.

To be honest, I was worried about the cost but whats money when you have happiness and your life back?I found  the  money and I'm so grateful that I did - I now have strategies that I can use, and I've taught them to my 6 year old  too - it's magic!

Bree is AMAZING! she makes you feel welcomed, there is no judgment and she is so kind hearted. You know she wants  to help you and she is so passionate in helping you..

Katie, NSW Australia

Chantelle, NSW Australia

Before my Creatrix® Breakthrough, I felt like my problem was creating huge limitations in my life -  to succeed and feel self worth.  I no longer create limits and I feel 100% self worth. I feel love. I no longer hold onto 'I have failed as a mum or partner', 'I made the wrong choice or decision'. I am much more accepting of love and return it openly and genuinely. I refuse to waste my energy on any toxins that don't serve me!

Professionally, I have so much more clarity and a huge drive for success. I am now feeling too limited in my current jobs and I'm currently sitting in limbo planning my own path for success with family and business.

I've noticed I am definitely having much better sleep and handle fatigue with much more tolerance.

Creatrix® is surprisingly easy - it was effortless to dive into the core and discover the real me! I'm smiling writing this just been able to feel what I've always dreamed of feeling.

I clearly understand the true value now. It has allowed me to see ahead and take direction for myself and my family,  to act with confidence as a whole and in my decision making, whether it be big or small.

I was a little nervous as it was the first time I had ever seeked help. I was more curious in the possibility of being able to change away from the toxic feelings I had. And Yes! The concern was alleviated!

Bree is honest and genuine. Extremely easy going and confident - a pleasure to work with actually!! I loved the wealth of knowledge Bree would share and how each session was taken on with purpose.

Liz, New Zealand

I had shut myself off from family/friends. I was deeply unhealthy & faked being happy. When I had to go to events I'd have panic-attacks. Now I have reconnected with family/friends and even my doctor could see the change both physically and  emotionally!I'm more open to people and developing deeper connection to the positive people in my life and released the negative people without guilt. I'm open to really listen/hear what others say, responding from a more positive place, which has allowed my work to increase along with my income.Physically, my blood-pressure has lowered and my iron levels are back up. My energy has increased, my weight is down and continuing to decrease AND I'm sleeping better. I know my own body better, my PMS signals and I've been able to cut myself a break!

I was surprised by how quickly the initial change was and how easy it was to create confidence to use the strategies, to recognise my emotions and effect my own change.I've been able to cut out all the internal BS and allow myself to achieve more that makes me Happy.My biggest concern about a Creatrix® Breakthrough was that it wouldn't work or last and I'd be throwing away big money. IT'S WORTH EVERY CENT, and 4 years on I can tell you it lasts!!!!

I've been really pleasantly surprised by my new open lines of true communication. I've taught my favourite strategy to everyone who comes to me with a struggle.  Creatrix® has changed my life and outlook. I work on things now rather than let them fester. If I get stuck there's a wonderful group of woman to connect, share and learn from/with.

Bree is real, genuine, caring and supportive but won't allow you to cheat yourself out of facing then moving through your issues. You couldn't be in better hands. This has turned my life around and will do the same for you

I had lost myself, I wasn't really feeling anything, I was just reacting to life. I had become so bogged down in what I thought others were thinking about me and not what was going on in my own head. I had lost me in what I thought other people thought of me. I was pretty down, I can remember crying lots and really felt I had lost control.

It has also helped me open up to other areas of my life as well. I feel much more confident and I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin and what I think and say is all that matters to me. I don't take on other peoples shit. I now find myself telling my husband not to worry about stuff so much.

I do feel much stronger and calmer. I have started to slow my thoughts down and when silly thoughts that don't serve me come into my head I say to myself "Thanks for sharing that" and let it go. Its like my thoughts want to be acknowledged or something and then they seem to go away, not buried or anything they are gone.

I think that half the battle women face with a program like Emotional Detox™ is not spending the money, but working out what is most valuable in life. And what I have found is most important is me. If Im not working right neither is anything else in my life. I have got a lot out of this program and I have found there is great benefits in investing in yourself. I suppose it does come down to how much you feel your really worth - if that is lacking Creatrix® will help you to discover how worth you really are.

I really enjoyed working with Bree, I find her down to earth and real. I really do trust Bree with the confidential stuff and truely believed that nothing I said was judged.

If anyone asked me if Bree was good to work with I would give a big thumbs up and tell them with 100% confidence that Bree is excellent, caring, trustworthy and wants to help anyone all the way. Bree is the best.

Nicole, NSW Australia