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Option 1: You're looking for a Personal Breakthrough

Women love choices right! Well guess what, you have two choices to books with me - please read both descriptions so you can select the best one for your needs and circumstances. If in doubt, select Option 1.

You've heard about Creatrix® and you know you have personal issues that are getting in the way from you living your best life. You want more for YOU, for your family, for your friends, for your world.Select Option 1 when booking and we'll have a chat about how Creatrix® can personally benefit you.

Option 2: You're a Woman in Business....

You wake up of a morning knowing that you are on this planet with a purpose, a hearts drive, a mission to make a Significant Difference to women the globe over.
* Maybe you've got a current Empowerment Business and you're looking for a prove tool that allows you to offer a 100% Outcome Guarantee.      

* Maybe you're always had a Dream to have a business that allows you the opportunity to leave a legacy.
* Maybe you've got this burning desire, one that you can't explain but you just KNOW that there's something bigger ahead for you - one that fills you up while transforming the lives of others.....

If any of these scenarios are setting your soul on fire and causing that internal voice to say "YES THAT IS ME", then you'll want to scroll down and select Option 2 to Learn More about being a Creatrix® Transformologist®