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A simple, practical and FEMALE-brained approach to turn your passion into a business centred around helping OTHER women transform their OWN lives so they can step into THEIR unique potential.

Females are designed to help each other, so why not make a living from what you enjoy and do most effortlessly?!This simple female success model can work for anyone with a great work ethic, determination and... well... what's uniquely in this FREE ebook!


Build a Meaningful Business without Hustle and Force

As a Life Coach who LOVES to help other women, I bet you get as excited as I do when you help your clients. You can see the improvements their lives will have, and it fills you with a BUZZ knowing that in some small way, you've made a difference.

I bet you also share my passion of being committed to being on top of your game, so you can do even MORE for your clients.

I bet you even have a desire to elevate all that you already know, to become a Standout Expert in the personal development field.

A Coach that can attract MORE Motivated, Ready DREAM CLIENTS! A Practitioner that is SO GOOD at what she does, she can confidently PREDICT and GUARANTEE results!

Women who come to you because they've heard on the grapevine (or seen through your socials!) that you are a coach with Integrity and a coach who Delivers

And you know you've got skills, but you also know you have the potential to be not just good, but EXCEPTIONAL.

If this is you, then you have found the right place because I love, Love, LOVE to help life coaches, practitioners and therapists build on what they already to have to become Outstanding, Transformational Experts

With 76% of Personal Development Audiences made up of women (many of whom are repeat attendees!), it's clear that women want MORE for themselves.

They want to break free from the past pains that have caused them trauma.

They want to shake off the insecurities that hold them back.

They want to empower themselves so they can be stronger, more confident and authentic role models for their children and loved ones.

As a coach, practitioner or therapist, when you see the improvements  the work you've done with your client has, it fills you with a BUZZ knowing that you've made a difference in her life doesn't it.

Women have been attracted to you because you are a woman with Integrity. You are Honest. Trustworthy. Open minded.

And you know you've got skills - you're a people person. You're a great listener. You are equipped with the knowledge, the tools, the strategies to help, BUT you also know you have the potential to be not just good, but EXCEPTIONAL.

I bet that, because of this, you are also committed to being on top of your game, so you can do even MORE for your clients.

Because if you can offer a faster breakthrough, if you can get her even longer-lasting, more superior, painless healing, you would, right?!I

If this is you, then you have found the right place because I love, Love, LOVE to help life coaches, practitioners and therapists build on what they already to have to become Outstanding, Transformational Experts!

You are on this planet to help other women

To make a difference. To make an IMPACT. To leave a legacy.

I want to help YOU to be able to facilitate the most ground-breaking, life-changing healing for your clients.

With Every. Single. client that you work with.

Scroll down for more information about how I can help you become an EXCEPTIONAL, TRANSFORMATIONAL coach for women with a Female-Formulated Approach that Guarantees Client Results!

OR, click the link below and make an obligation free time to chat!

Schedule a Chat with Bree

It's fair to say that the Personal Development/Empowerment Industry is predominantly a Female Based Industry given 76% of audience members at Personal Development courses and events are women, of which the majority are ladies who have attended MORE THAN ONE of these events in the past.

It's therefore fair to say that women are PREPARED to INVEST both time and money in their own development so they can help OTHERS.

So why is it that, in 2020 most of the Modalities, Principles and Strategies taught are still MALE-BASED programs? Methods that have NOT been developed on the differences of our Female Biology OR Epigenetics (the science of Trans-generational Inheritance) but instead on what works for MEN.

Because the Personal Development Industry, as it currently stands is a Money Making Machine - more interested in lining the pockets of 'gurus' instead of offering LONG-TERM, CYCLE-BREAKING Empowerment for Women.

We're here to BREAK that mould.

So YOU can FINALLY smash through your own glass-ceilings that are currently keeping you playing it small and sabotaging your impact AND in turn REALLY help your clients the way you desire to and the way she DESERVES.  

Proudly featured in....

What would it feel like if....

you KNEW that all the training you received worked for you FIRST - thoroughly and completely, just like you want for HER....

Your journey starts with your own breakthrough! You've no doubt done work on yourself - and this has got you to where you are right now, which is incredible! To help you become an exceptional practitioner, we'll explore and address anything else that could potentially sabotage you will be cleared before you even get started!

What would it feel like if....

you KNEW before you took on a client what her outcome would be....

Instead of just 'hoping' that your client would get good results, you learn how to Predict her Outcomes so you can confidently reassure her that she will get OUTSTANDING results that are be both Long-Lasting AND Cycle-Breaking

What would it feel like if....

you KNEW that the issues you worked on with your clients would NOT return....

that's right! No more issues coming back for your clients - once you work with your clients on any of their pre-determined issues, the issues do NOT return. It's the LAST dollar she needs to spend being free from those particular blocks.

This goes for YOU TOO! Any issue you address with our process will be gone FOR GOOD. This is the last investment YOU need to make on your issues as well.

What would it feel like if....

you KNEW that YOU had support 100% of the time, for your personal blocks & business success....

Just because you've invested in yourself doesn't mean your immune to NEW glass ceilings and limitations coming up for you.

Being part of a Global Community that prioritises your CONTINUED Development as a Facilitator means that no matter what comes up for you, or WHEN it comes up, you've got a Sisterhood for you to lean on at ANY time you need.

you KNEW that no matter the question, no matter the situation, you've got support

Women do business different. We want Independence and Freedom to work when and how we want to according to our lifestyles HOWEVER we THRIVE when in a Community of Like-Minded Women sharing the same Mission.

THIS is just the beginning of what we include in CREATRIX® Transformology®

What would it feel like if....

Schedule a Chat with Bree

And I understand exactly how you feel AND exactly what you are CRAVING. Because I've been where you are now....

Driven to knowing that you are making a difference, an IMPACT on the people you work with AND the people you share your life with.

But Frustrated because, even though you're doing good work, you can't help but feel there is MORE that you could be doing.

In 2012 I realised that everything I'd learned in the past was good - and it had certainly helped - BUT I also felt like I was ultimately, just adding band-aids.

I was done with feeling like a fraud, FORCING methods and strategies that felt so HARD and left me so DRAINED.

I changed directions completely and started to work with who I am as a WOMAN. I ditched the advice that worked better for men and embraced the approach that was designed for me as a Female.

And since then I've become an International Best Selling Author, International Speaker and Presenter and I've personally worked with hundreds of women with 100% Success, freeing their hearts so they can go live and create their best lives.

NOW, I'm the Spokesperson and Trainer at the Institute of Women International, and my passion is to help women like YOU to create a Legacy like I've been fortunate to be able to do. Because I believe that we as women ARE the changing force of the planet!

Running an Empowerment Business that takes into consideration who we are as women, can elevate mainstream practices to a whole new level.
And that's why I've designed some powerful tools you can quickly implement, to help you to make more of a difference in your coaching practice while working with women. These tools are just the tip of the iceberg of services we offer women who train in Creatrix Transformology, but they are a great, affordable starting place.

Downloadables to get you Started

Motivated Coaching Client Secrets

Attract More Motivated Coaching Clients, so you can spend more time talking to prospects who are an ideal fit for you (and less time with women who just aren't ready for the results you facilitate)

This is the Perfect Solution if you want to have more Powerful Conversations with clients ready for Growth

Download for $7

The Creatrix® Transformology® Program is for every woman who already has/is launching a career in the empowerment industry and wants to START NOW, not later.

It's for those who want to change women's lives in a profound and LASTING way… AND earn a good income doing something they LOVE.

Download Program Guide

Creatrix® Transformology® Program

What makes this Program so Unique?

Transformology® - as far as we know, we are the only Training Body in the world that teach HOW to get 100% of your Female Clients to 100% of their Outcomes GUARANTEED

Creatrix® - designed BY a woman FOR women, Creatrix® releases fears, doubts and insecurities that sabotage women from living their best lives

First Hand Experience - Many women won't confidently 'sell' a product unless they themselves had had a positive experience with it, and this is why you get to experience Creatrix® AS you train so you can genuinely and authentically sell from your heart

Certification is FAST - our focus and priority is to ensure you can SAFELY and Competently work with real women so the moment you are certified you KNOW you can help another woman be FREE

Year Round Support and Development - Getting certified is just the first part of your year long journey - the program includes ongoing Professional Development, Business and Client Support as you need it

You KNOW deep down that you are here, on this planet for MEANINGFUL work - going to work, coming home, clocking the hours - that's not for you. You want FULFILMENT

You Desire to make a REAL Difference - you're sick of applying band-aids. You want to TRULY Transform other women's

You already help women - Either you're a Life Coach, Therapist, Counsellor, Leader OR someone who others just go to, but you're already doing what you can to help others live better

You don't need to re-invent the wheel - in fact you don't want to. The idea of having a proven system to follow, backed by a tonne of support EXCITES you!

You know you're not perfect - you've got some issues that are holding you back, you've already done some work to level up and you're ready to be free from them ALL Long-Term so you can be more for HER.

You're looking for your tribe - you desire to be part of a movement of women sharing the same passion to be of service for others

Does this sound like you?


As a woman, you need a PinkPrint™ (not a BLUEprint) for success, because your mind works differently to a man’s!

This is the basis of our teachings and in this free video training, I will give you a good understanding as to WHY classic success models may not have ever worked for you.

If you have always struggled with concepts such as goal setting and consistency, set aside an hour to watch this eye-opening training.


Maz Schirmer

Maz Schirmer is the woman responsible for the incredible life I am privileged to lead now - it was because of Maz and Creatrix® that, in 2012, I stopped raging like a bull. It was because of Maz and her vision of  setting 10 Million Hearts Free that I was able to build the IMPACTFUL EMPOWERMENT business with ZERO burnout - and it's because of this mission that I now choose to work with women LIKE YOU!

So you too can join a movement that has already set in motion a rise of strong, empowered, internally confident and powerful female leaders that in turn are driven to change the way that things are done on this planet.

Book a Call with Bree